Interview: Fran Kaufman and Jonathan Feldschuh
https://youtu.be/VgqzCOz-UdU Jonathan Feldschuh talks with curator Fran Kaufman, recorded from Zoom call 11/3/2021 at the 1GAP Gallery, during the show Dynamic Equilibrium Details of this
https://youtu.be/VgqzCOz-UdU Jonathan Feldschuh talks with curator Fran Kaufman, recorded from Zoom call 11/3/2021 at the 1GAP Gallery, during the show Dynamic Equilibrium Details of this
Julia Buntaine, editor of SciArt in America, discussing the work of various artists working to combine art and science
A video made by Mixed Greens Gallery, on the Large Hadron Collider window installation 4 minutes, November 2012
Jonathan Feldschuh talks about the Large Hadron Collider series – in the studio, November 2011.
art is (Speaking Portraits)–[Vol. I — v. 1.4]–
In his ongoing video art work of “speaking portraits,” artist/poet George Quasha puts an impossible, but unavoidable, question before artists of all kinds and in many places: what is art? In response artists let us in on their private space of art definition. This intimate view of speaking faces, each filling the screen, shows how different it is for artists to say what art is than for others (critics, historians, philosophers, viewers). For a particular artist, art may not only be an object, a thing historically defined, but something close to the core of one’s life, perhaps even a singular event. Here we gain unique access to its nature in the person speaking.
© 2021 Jonathan Feldschuh